Donald “the Liar” Trump, Moscow “Mitch” McConnell, Ted “Cancun” Cruz, and Many Others Have Created the Worst Government in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


I don’t care if anyone reads this: I simply had to vent my disgust with Trump and his “MAGA Party.” They choose not only to ignore most Americans, they intentionally divided our nation and have a single goal: to shred the Constitution of the United States of America. The leaders of this new “American Fascist Party” have been Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Cancun Cruz over the last seven years. Are these they type of old, white men you would choose to lead the nation founded by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison? I hope not.

Let’s look at the lack of principles, morality, and character of these three men. It won’t take long because none of them deserve respect.

Ted Cruz was the most hated man in his own party when he arrived in the Senate in 2013. His first effort was to attempt a government shutdown. One of his constituents, Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, told the press: “If someone shot and killed Cruz on the floor of the Senate, no one would find him guilty.” Cruz has only become worse. After he deserted the people of Texas during a deep freeze, he is now known as “Cancun” Cruz. Add to this the fact that he is a coward and a hypocrite. After he, his wife, and his father were viciously attacked by Trump, Cruz offered his devotion to the worst man in the world and continues to kiss his humongous derriere. He cannot be trusted or respected.

“Moscow” Mitch McConnell will be remembered by historians as the worst Senator/Senate Majority Leader in history. Not a single positive accomplishment has been recorded under his failed leadership. For nearly four decades, Moscow Mitch has placed his party and personal ambitions ahead of the people of Kentucky, and his country. Prior to the 2016 election, Moscow Mitch denounced Trump for his lack of experience, morals, and principles. On January 20, 2017, he surrendered the last of his dignity and bowed to his illegitimately elected Fuhrer. He has “led” our nation backwards for far too many years in Washington.

What more can I say about Trump which I have not previously written? He is the worst man in the world who has accomplished nothing in his life without the assistance of foreign leaders. His life’s story is a tale of crime and debauchery. He will never be my president, regardless of the title bestowed on him by the Electoral College. The people have soundly rejected him in two elections, 2016, and 2020. He is nothing but an old, white, obese, malignant narcissist whose ambition is to replace democracy with a fascist regime in 2025

Thanks to these three anti-Americans, our nation’s federal government is the most corrupt and incompetent in the world. In 2023 the House and Senate passed a pitiful total of 34 bills: none of which made a positive impact on the lives of all 330 million Americans. They wasted the $93,090,000 we paid them. They have earned the title of the “do nothing congress.” Moscow Mitch created the “Party of No” in 2009, immediately after President Obama’s inauguration.

You can change the situation: you have a vote. Use it wisely by not voting for a party. Vote for the best person available.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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