Will American Voters Elect a Fascist in 2024?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
It is an undeniable fact that Trump and his MAGA Party are
fascists who would end Democracy in our nation forever. Is it possible that the
foundation of America, democracy for all, could become nothing but a memory in
2024? The answer is “yes.”
If Trump is elected on November 5th,
the current Second Civil War will become bloody and may result in a greater
number of casualties than the first. Real, patriotic Americans will never
accept Trump as our president. Between 2017 and 2021 he intentionally divided
our nation and moved America backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth
century. Instead of working to improve the quality of life for all Americans,
Trump, under the direction of Vladimir Putin, sought the end of our nation with
the shredding of the Constitution.
The most popular topic in 2024 is the undeniable fact that
the American people will be faced with an unwanted decision in November. Our
choice will be between tow old, white men who nobody wanted in 2020 and nobody
wants in 2024. My greatest fear is that the voter turnout will be lower than
average. Traditionally, the lower the turnout, the greater the possibility of our
nation’s future moving into the control of today’s fake Republicans. “The
American Fascist Party” will destroy the dream of our Founding Fathers once and
for all.
President Biden had a huge victory in 2020 based on one
reality: most voters were voting against Trump and his party of extremists than
for Mr. Biden. I admit to being one of those voters. However, I must give praise
where praise is due. In three years President Biden has already accomplished
more than his two predecessors. I may not always agree with every decision, I
never will be perfectly happy with any president, but our nation’s current leader
continues to work for all Americans. This will never be the situation with
Trump. He would be the same old, obese, white man he was between 2017 and 2021,
working to increase his personal wealth by violating the Constitution on a
daily basis.
I beg of you, let’s help history experience a “repeat” and vote
in record numbers, giving Mr. Biden a second term. We, the real American
people, cannot allow a man who hates our nation to once again defile the White
House as he spits on the Law of the Land.
We will return to becoming a great nation, but only when
Trump and his minions become nothing but a bad memory.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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