
Not a Single Person in the World can Claim to be Rated 100 Percent on the Mental Health Scale

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2024, the world’s population is 8,019,876,189. Of course this is an estimate. There is no possible way that every nation can accurately report its population, including the United States. I helped in conducting the 2010 Decennial Census, and I know this for a fact. However, I can offer one irrefutable fact: not a single person in this world of ours can claim to be 100 percent mentally healthy. Human beings suffer mental illness, some more than others. To deny this is to deny historical fact. Our minds are not always clear and logical. Every day we question everything, including ourselves. The truth is that anyone who believes they are without mental deficiency is batshit crazy. WHY AM I WRITING ABOUT THIS? My point is simple and undeniable. Unless you live with someone, you don’t know them, and even then, it is a well-known fact that husbands and wives often keep secrets from one another. My purpose is also simple and based on fact. Do not believe

I Cannot Wait to Hear Trump’s Testimony During his Case Related to Charges of Bribing a Porn Star

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Another first for the worst man in the world. Not one of Trump’s predecessors or successors has ever been charged with a felony before, during, or after he was removed from the White House. Trump’s list of accomplishments continues to grow. After his illegitimate election in 2016, he was investigated for collusion with Vladimir Putin to rig the election. Although our government denies the effectiveness of this allegation, years of statements, controversial actions, and cover-up have proven every accusation a reality. NUMBER ONE ON AMERICA’S MOST WANTED LIST Trump’s lifelong history is filled with fraud, bribery of government officials, and illegal business ventures with the aid of foreign agents. He was impeached twice in four years for cause, but failed to receive a fair trial in the senate. He planned and organized a failed coup which took place on January 6, 2021. When he was evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021, he stole national secret

Nothing is More Important to America’s Future than an Informed Electorate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We are responsible for one irrefutable fact: the government of the United States is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. We the people, the voting public, without accurate information, and being led astray by the right-wing propaganda machine, FOX News, and other extremist fake news organizations, elected the worst of the worst: men and women who are woefully incompetent and have no loyalty to our nation and our people. WHEN THE END BEGAN In 2009 the Republican Party endorsed a policy which became its ultimate demise in 2017. In that fateful year, the Koch brothers, confirmed as the wealthiest billionaires in our nation behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, funded a group of incompetent men and women who promised to support every issue important to these anti-American billionaires. They called themselves the “TEA Party, and acronym for “taxed enough already,” a catchy name without substance or meaning. The truth is, Republican leadership had n

Recognizing the Fact that the United States is the Most Dangerous Nation in the World, President Biden Works to Save Innocent Lives

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s not a big thing for those of us who know that domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people, but it’s a bigger step than any of his predecessors were willing to take. President Biden, who values human life unlike his opposing party, signed an executive order requiring comprehensive background checks for all gun sales at Outdoor Sporting Conventions which previously allowed unrestricted sales of weapons of mass destruction. A POORLY WRITTEN AND AMBIGUOUS AMENDMENT Gun nuts and the NRA gun lobby will be screaming about “Second Amendment Rights.” Once again, I call bullshit. The safety and security of the many negate the complaints of the 10 percent of Americans who own 90 percent of all guns in America. The Second Amendment is the most ambiguous amendment in the Bill of Rights. Demands from slave owners forced several drafts of the amendment, and that fact is why it is so poorly written. The facts are clear: nothing in the Secon

Hate the Super-Rich? Can’t Blame You: Billionaires Are Your Enemy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The United States of America has become a Plutocracy thanks to the anti-American efforts of those who call themselves “conservatives,” the TEA Party and the Freedom Caucus. Our country is no longer a Democratic Republic, as designed by our Founding Fathers. It is now under the control of 765 billionaires. If you are angry about the 40 percent increase in your grocery bill, I understand. If your utility bill has risen by 30-50 percent, I feel your  anger. If you live on a fixed income, and your overall cost of living has increased by 30-70 percent, you should hate corporations and your government which are complicit with the wealthy to make your lives more difficult. The average Social Security COLA is less than four percent. Both the 2010 and the 2020 Decennial Census’ revealed a disturbing fact. Adjusting for inflation, the average working family has not received an increase in their income for nearly 40 years, while the number of billionaires and millionaires

Agism on the Rise in America Thanks to the Media and the Late Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am nearly 78 years old. However, watching interviews on television, I am positive that I know more about everything than 98 percent of our nation’s people 30 years old and younger. I am also more informed than anyone aged 50 or under. I am disgusted with television and the print media for making President Biden’s age an issue. He has accomplished more in one term than any president since Bill Clinton. He has worked harder than Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump combined to solve our most important domestic issues. TRUMP IS OLDER THAN BIDEN PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY On November 5, 2024, the President will be 81 years old. He will be 82 later in the month. Trump will be 78, and his 79 th birthday will be in June of 2025. They are both elderly. However, chronological age at this point in their lives is less critical than their physical and mental health. Judging the President by his accomplishments and his work ethic is far greater than most individuals his

Moving America Backwards Into the Times When Most People Were Uneducated and Completely Uninformed: No Intelligent Human Wants That

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must begin with an apology to the state of Arizona. No matter how hard you try, you can never be a part of the deep South. You can be as regressive as they are, but you didn’t exist as part of our nation until February 14, 1912. You have no idea what the Civil War was all about. As far as states go, you are a juvenile although you have an aging population. TRUMP WILL BE REMEMBERED AS THE REGRESSIVE AND ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT Trump attempted to destroy all the advances made in America over the last 80 years in four years. He had some success because he has a large number of supporters who choose ignorance over reality. Looking at every social issue, he is opposed to any effort to improve the lives of most Americans. Recently he revealed his position on one of the most important issues in 2024; well sort of. He said it should be left to the states. A presidential candidate must take a stand and be pro-life or pro-choice. However, the only right answer from anyon

What Scurrilous Nickname Cannot be Applied to Right-Wing Politicians?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump enjoys making up ‘nicknames’ for his millions of adversaries. Most of them are silly and meaningless, but when you failed most of your classes in high school and college, this is the best you can do. I have many nicknames for Trump and his fascist party, and I don’t have to make them up, they are real and accurate nouns and adjectives. For instance, I have called Trump the orange buffoon, Trumpenstein, and with recent revelations about his idols, “Big Adolf.” His party is incompetent beyond belief, but that’s not all. They are pathological liars, extremists, unfit for office, and fascists. But the term which describes the entire party is “corrupt.” HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL Right-wing politicians have proven to be the opposite of “the party of family values.” Among their crimes are sexual deviance, numerous felonies, abandoning their promises to voters, choosing instead to support the super-rich, while ignoring the needs and wishes of their constituent

The Path Which Led to the Demise of the Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2010 the Republican Party was invaded by a political organization created by the Koch brothers, calling themselves the “Taxed Enough Already,” or the TEA Party. They were so extreme their policies helped to make our government incompetent. However, they were too “moderate” for many of these incompetent men and women calling themselves “Republicans.” In 2015 a group of disgruntled men and women in the House created the most radical group within the GOP today, calling themselves the Freedom Caucus. These anti-Americans rejected any policy not their own, and fought not only with Democrats, they created dissention within their own party. IN 2017, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY CEASED TO EXIST In 2017, after Trump won the Electoral College in an election rigged by Vladimir Putin, both the TEA Party, and the Freedom Caucus, along with other men and women formerly called moderates, surrendered their dignity and citizenship to the man known as “the worst president in American

Putin Remains America’s Greatest Enemy, and a Greater Danger and Villain to the World than Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I learned in school about the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi horde. I was about 12 when I read about the egomaniac who sought the elimination of an entire population and world domination. As a Catholic, we were taught about Judaism and the people who lived their lives according to the laws contained in the Torah. It was unimaginable that one man’s hatred would be responsible for the torture and deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Could this happen again today in America? PUTIN IS WORSE THAN HITLER In 2024, the world is facing an even greater threat to the continued existence of humankty. His name is Vladimir Putin. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a crime against every person in the world. He is slaughtering innocents for no reason other than to satisfy his own inflated ego. This little man obviously has “Bonapart’s Syndrome.” He is killing men, women, and children who have close ties with other men, women, and children in R

No One Needs a Billion Dollars, but Lots of People Need 10 Dollars Every Day

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “America is the richest country in the world:” “America is the greatest country in the world.” The former are two phrases professional politicians use ad nauseam. The second claim is absolutely 100 percent false: it’s not even close to the truth. Our country is far behind other developed nations in many areas including healthcare and education. However, the only one which matters, is quality of life. We are last in the world. As for being the richest country, this only applies to about five percent of our nation’s people. At least one-half of all Americans struggle in the low-income demographic or with incomes which are below the poverty line. The middle class is diminishing. Earnings for a middle class in the U.S. ranged between $43,350 and $130,000 annually in 2021. It has become extremely difficult to find employment which offers what is now a middle-class income. You must remember Trump’s only accomplishment over four years was a tax cut. However, the only p

End Genocide Everywhere Without Exception

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Hatred is the darkest emotion and the greatest danger to mankind. When such a severe emotion controls a person or group, what follows is inevitable: violence and death. Hatred is sometimes personal, but frequently includes an entire race, other demographics, or religious sect. This is an act of pure ignorance and a low level of basic intelligence.  AMERICA HAS A 405 YEAR HISTORY OF RACISM AND BIGOTY Although it is true that our nation has a more than 400-year history of extreme racism and bigotry, which continues today, the United States is not alone in its crimes against humanity. Greed, jealousy, and envy pare segments of the ultimate and most despicable emotion owned by human beigns: hate. RELIGIONS WERE ALL FOUNDED ON PEACE AND LOVE IN THEIR ORIGIN Much of the world’s history involves violence between religions. Battles between Pagans and Christians led to the Crusades and war between Christians and Muslims. These bloody and senseless battles began in 1095 a

Sometimes I Think No One is Paying Attention and That’s How Republicans Like It

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump and his pretend Republican Party fear one thing more than anything else: the truth. I am saddened that I don’t have a million followers who cannot wait to read my blog daily. However, I will tell you once again about the most important issue in every election year, the economy. I’m going to take you back to 1981. Republicans would like you to believe that Ronald Reagan was a great president. This is far from the truth. In my estimation, he is listed in the category of the five worst presidents in history. The Corruption Which Exists in Washington Today Began in 1981 The truth about Reagan is revealed in his domestic policy. Reagan was the first Republican president to demand unquestioned loyalty from his party. Free thought and opposition to our 40 th president’s policies were forbidden. The entire right side of the Capitol Building was united against the left side, and occasionally each other.. It was Reagan who began the wars on the working class

For Our Country’s Future, If Trump Makes Demands, ‘Just Say No’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s own words and actions offer undeniable proof that he hates the America of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, as he faces multiple criminal trials, if he makes demands, just say no. Trump is a traitor, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a xenophobe, and a homophobe. Why should anyone care what matters to what historians call “the worst president in American history?” Trump Knows What All True Americans Know: He is Guilty of Every Accusation Made Against Him “Lock him up.” If justice matters in America today, Trump will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in a prison. I ask a serious question: “why is the mainstream media afraid to call Trump what he is; a traitor?” Add to this the fact that Democrats lack the courage to tell Trump and the American people that Trump is America’s greatest enemy and unfit to hold any office at any level in America, and it is easy to see what is wrong with our nation in the 21 st century: no one has the courage to do

2024 Has Become a Battle Between Criminals and Law-Abiding Americans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The number of convicted felons who participated in the January 6 th insurrection is 1,350 and rising. In my worthless opinion, I do not believe even one of them has been fairly punished for their heinous crimes. Treason is the only word which applies to these men and women and the minimum sentence should fit the crime: at least 20 years. However, at his hate rallies, Don “Big Adolf” Trump calls them “hostages.” This is simply one criminal defending his fellow conspirators. Trump’s Fascist Army Never forget, the men Trump chose to lead his failed coup are leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who praise Hitler and hate America. They will never be happy until all Black Americans are returned to their Masters: wealthy, white men. Trump’s actions and promises are so despicable and hateful that at least two dozen former aides made statements claiming that “Big Adolf” must not be allowed anywhere near the White House ever again. Trump Says Nothing Because He Knows Nothing Not o

The Most Expensive Military in the World Lost Every War Since WWII

Op -ed by TheWiseOldFart   Most Americans Continue to Struggle   I begin with a serious question: when will the quality of life for all Americans become the focus of our nation’s government? I am an original baby boomer. I learned at a very young age that the end of WWII was the beginning of the next military conflict for America. As long as I can remember, our government and its military have been preparing for the next war.   America has Never Prepared for Peace   The truth is that in 2024, the American people pay the least amount of tax in the world of developed nations. Many of our wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay zero dollars in taxes, or a very minimal percentage of their gross income s . The truth is that the United States tax code is 6,871 pages long. Most of those pages are “loopholes” for the super-rich, allowing them to reduce their tax liability.   The United States Spends Five Times More on its Military than All Other Nations Combined   America’s ann