I Will Continue to Support President Biden for All the Right Reasons

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am disgusted with progressives who are panicking. The President is not going to withdraw, so shut the f**k up and stand up to the traitors on the right side of the aisle. Those of you who want him to end his campaign are helping Trump. This reminds me of 2016 when a group of Bernie Sanders’ supporters who were angry about Hillary Clinton winning the nomination, refused to vote for Hillary, and most voted for Jill Stein. In essence, all they did was take votes away from the most qualified candidate in history, and give them to Trump. Very, very stupid. We must unite: Trump cannot be allowed to destroy what’s left of our country. I HAVE MANY REASONS WHY BIDEN IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WORTHY OF OUR VOTES First and foremost, no American should vote for the man who is not loyal to America. Trump told us he will not be the president for anyone who does not support him. That number is greater than one-half of all of our nation’s people. Secondly, his loyalty is to Putin...