The Damage to America is Irreparable, and Moscow Mitch McConnell is Public Enemy Number One

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I issued a warning to the American people in October of 2020 when Moscow Mitch McConnell rushed the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, violating his own rule, that the demise of democracy grew closer. I doubt that few Americans understood the power of the Supreme Court. Their decisions are final, and none of the justices face repercussions for their actions. They are protected by lifetime appointments, and only impeachment could remove them from the Court. That will never happen. When Trump won a rigged election in 2016, Moscow Mitch was elated. His lifelong dream could become a reality. In collusion with the Federalist Society, reversing Roe v Wade could become a reality. Regardless of the cost or the damage to our nation, or public opinion, he might be able to stack the Court. Moscow Mitch manipulated Trump who had no idea what he was doing and never will. Moscow Mitch had already made the first move. After the sudden death of ultra conservative Justice Antoni...