
Showing posts with the label Harris

Why Trump Will Not Meet With Ukraine Leader Zelenskyy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump continues to make excuses for his refusal to meet with Kamala Harris for a second debate. After having his a** kicked in the first debate, I can’t blame him. The old, obese man left the venue totally humiliated. A younger, more vibrant, more prepared woman had crushed him for 90 minutes. Trump originally stated that ‘there should be three debates.’ Last week, Trump said he ‘would probably meet’ with Ukraine Leader Zelenskyy today or tomorrow. Today he said it would not happen, making additional excuses for another instance when he contradicted himself. YOU AND I KNOW WHY HE COULD NOT MEET WITH ZELENSKYY. Trump has openly supported Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He refers to his mentor as a “genius.” It was ludicrous to believe that Trump would meet with the leader of Putin’s opposition army. He would literally be “biting the hand which feeds him.” The orange buffoon continues to order his minions in the House, calling themselves, “the Freedom Caucus

Lies Are Easy to Accept: The Truth, Not so Much

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have readers who don’t like what I write. Some of them hate me, although they don’t know me. I am guilty of only one thing: I write the truth. The truth is often difficult to accept, while lies which play on our emotions are eagerly embraced. I admit to mistakes. Sometimes there are errors in my research, and sometimes individuals I considered trustworthy were dishonest and my radar was turned off. However, my articles are never the result of lies or conspiracy theories posted on social media, or from right-wing extremist blogs, podcasts, or television broadcasts. To the best of my ability, the truth will always live here. Although Ronald Reagan was a complete fraud, he said one thing I have never forgotten: “trust but verify.” I also believe in the writer’s instruction manual, which is composed of just six words: who, what, why, when, where, and how. Sadly, the 21 st century, “the age of information,” has too much information. Most of it is false because mos

One Example of One of the Most Important Issues of This Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1981 the Republican Party began to change. It could no longer be called “the Party of Lincoln.” Right wing politicians had begun their abandonment of the principles, morals, and ideals of a great President, and an even greater man. One change remains a dark fact which is no longer a secret. Facts confirm that when there is a large voter turnout the results of the election favor Democrats. Today every red state has passed laws focused on voter suppression. This is a major issue no one is talking about. The targets are specific groups which historically support Democratic candidates. A combination of this fact and Republican racism and bigotry led Republicans to place an emphasis on Black voters, but now includes anyone who is not pure white and Christian. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION Trump suffered a devastating defeat in the 2020 election. He knows it. However, his affliction with malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting this irrefutable fact. Th

A Stacked Supreme Court, a Biased Mainstream Media, and a Loyal Cult Known as the “Basement Dwellers: “How Can Trump Lose?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Even before the 2020 votes were counted, the 2024 election was stacked in Trump’s favor. Moscow Mitch McConnell helped America’s greatest traitor stack the Supreme Court in his favor. The travesty of 2000 could be repeated. It was clear that the mainstream media supported Trump’s baseless claim that the 2020 election was fraudulent. Trump’s cult, who chooses to believe anything the pathological liar says, and he refers to as the “basement dwellers,” all offered an early movement to help Trump regain the White House in 2024. The mainstream media belittled President Biden from day one, never recognizing his numerous accomplishments. Instead, they joined Trump in his attacks about the President’s age. Everything was focused on a win for the least qualified candidate in history. So why is he losing today? TRUMP IS AMERICA’S BIGGEST LOSER Trump has always been a loser. The reasons are simple: he uses his own words and actions to guarantee failure. Trump is not very s

The Priorities of a Senile Old Man

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This situation did not exist one month ago. Today, the 2024 presidential race is between two candidates who are literally as different as male and female. Two months ago the voting public would have been forced to choose between two old, white men, neither of which excited the electorate. Today, only one, old, white man remains in the race, and he is displaying signs of decline in both his physical and mental abilities. At a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday, Trump displayed his lack of ability to focus on the issues of his campaign and revealed his desperate need for personal approval. [Donald Trump obsessed over Kamala Harris’s appearance yet again during a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Saturday – this time declaring that he’s “better looking” than his Democratic rival and mocking those who call her “beautiful”.] He continued with what he considered the most important issue of the day. “Time magazine doesn’t have a picture of [Harri

Trump is Far Too Old to be Our President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When President Biden remained the Democratic candidate, Trump constantly called him “sleepy Joe,” referring to his age of 81. However, he is no longer in the picture, Trump “is” the old man. He is 78 and a very old 78 both physically and mentally. Trump will be 80 years of age on June 15, 2026, 17 months into his term of office. By that time, he is likely to be in a wheelchair and unable to speak his own name clearly. He is already slurring his speech. I felt that his hate rallies were always an embarrassment for Trump, personally, and for our nation’s once respected position in the world. However, in 2024 they are even more about him. His criminal problems, including 34 felony convictions, combined with his inability to challenge Kamala Harris on the issues, and a waning stamina, are forcing him to whine incessantly. Nobody feels sorry for the worst man in the world. A REAL MAN WOULD END HIS CAMPAIGN The right thing for Trump to do is to end his campaign. Howev

Trump has an Excuse for Being Your Basic A**hole

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Like the schoolyard bully he is, Trump calls all of his adversaries a variety of meaningless names. He does this because he cannot discuss the issues he knows nothing and cares nothing about. He also engages in these immature actions because he is hiding his true and pitiful inability to use his shrinking brain. He is an old, obese, senile white man. Desperation has made a fool out of many men, and Trump is now numbered among them. Trump explained why he continues his sad efforts to demean his much younger, far more intelligent, and accomplished adversary. "I think I am entitled to personal attacks. I do not have a lot of respect for her. I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she'll be a terrible president. And I think it is very important that we win. And whether the personal attacks are good, bad – I mean, she certainly attacks me personally. She actually called me weird. 'He's weird,'" he said.

Two Drastically Different People Who Live in Extremely Different Worlds

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The only thing Trump and President Biden had in common were that they were both old, white men, too old to be our nation’s president. Beyond those simple facts, the differences in every aspect of life are extreme. However, Vice-President Harris and Trump are drastically different in every, single aspect. ABILITIES, EXPERICENCE, PERSONALITIES Let’s begin with an issue Trump created and is now paying for that mistake. Trump decided to make President Biden’s age the issue in 2023, although they are just three years apart. The nation was not pleased with having to choose between two white men who were both hovering around the age of an octogenarian. You see this difference at their rallies. Kamala Harris rallies are raucous, and energetic. They are positive and filled with an atmosphere of hope and excitement Trump’s a smaller, quieter, and composed of an old white man whining and complaining. He never talks about what he will do for our nation while f

This Proves It, Trump is Stupid

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Long before Trump declared his intention to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination in 2015, we knew that he was several bricks short of a full load. He loved the New York social life, but they didn’t love him. He crashed parties to which he had not been invited, and refused to participate in charity events, never giving one dollar to someone in need. It was well known that his business practices were questionable at the very least. However, on Wednesday, he displayed a level of stupidity I could not believe. "I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black," he said at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago on Wednesday. "So I don't know - Is she Indian? Or is she black?" Maybe I’m the stupid one. However. The fact that her father is Black, and her mother Indian, appears to clarify the situation. THANK PRESIDENT BIDE

Is Kamala Harris Ready?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Who else? For some unknown reason, several political writers and some Democrats are unsure about the likely nomination of Kamala Harris now that President Biden has ended his campaign. I feel this way. Ms. Harris is more than qualified and has been prepared to replace the President for three-and-one-half years. That’s the way the system is meant to work. Kamala Harris is the choice. With just over three months until election day, no other Democrat is prepared to replace Mr. Biden other than the Vice-President. THE POSITIVE SIDE There are some very positive points in favor of Ms. Harris. She can run on the accomplishments of the Biden Administration. She has been part of everything since January 20, 2021. The President’s achievements are her achievements. Her age is of great importance. She will be 60 about a week before the election. All the jokes have been about Mr. Biden’s age. They are gone. I believe America is ready for a woman president. It seems like ever

Plutocrats Support Trump, Project 2025, and the End of Democracy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   At this moment, there are 8 13 billionaires in the United States. All but a few support Trump, Project 2025, and the replacement of democracy with a fascist regime. These plutocrats will never have enough money or as much power as they s eek. These men and women created “Greed flation.” If you worry about surviving month to month while food pric es, the cost of heating and cooling your home, and other nec e ssities continue to rise for no logical reason , you are not alone. You are one of about 165 million Americans who cannot remember what it was like to have hope that ‘things will get better.’ My America is nothing more than a fond memory.   We are living in a plutocracy. 813 billionaires control half of our leaders in Wa shington. However, a plutocracy cannot exist for long in a democracy. Therefore, these 813 individuals are working to end our democratic government and replace it with a fascist regime. Their ultimate goal is to pay zero dollars in taxe