I Love These Two Suggestions About What President Biden Should Do as the First King of the United States

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I offered my own suggestions about what Mr. Biden Should do now that the Supreme Court confirmed that a president is indeed a king. However, Alumbrados, writing for the Daily Kos, offered two ideas which I supported 40 years ago. First, repeal the Electoral College, and allow the people to choose their president. Every vote should count, and if the popular vote was the only number which counted, Republicans would never win a presidential election. Second, declare voting day a national holiday. This, too, would be death for Republicans. The turnout could be historical, and the facts reveal that when a large number of voters cast their ballots, Democrats win almost every election. This is why red states continue to pass laws in support of voter suppression. MR. BIDEN COULD GUARANTEE HIMSELF A VICTORY IN NOVEMBER Democratic politicians refuse to forgive the President’s poor performance last Thursday. After Mr. Biden’s energetic and uplifting performance d...