
Showing posts with the label Entitlements

“The Party of Family Values?” Excuse Me!

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Why do “Republicans” hate the American people? They once called themselves “the party of family values.” However, unless you are wealthy and pure white in the 21 st century, they do nothing but flip their middle fingers at you. All Republicans support tax cuts for the wealthy, and none of them support “entitlement” programs. Entitlements are a form of socialism not to be confused with Social Security and Medicare which are completely funded by working men and women and their employers. The reason Social Security is going broke is because corrupt politicians have been stealing money from the self-funding program for decades. They are using your money to fund programs which will secure votes in their next election. Tax cuts for the wealthy are fascist programs which are responsible for the current plutocracy in America today, as well as the serious problem of growing income inequality. It is not unfair to say that Democrats in general are socialists, and Republic