Not a Single Person in the World can Claim to be Rated 100 Percent on the Mental Health Scale


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

In 2024, the world’s population is 8,019,876,189. Of course this is an estimate. There is no possible way that every nation can accurately report its population, including the United States. I helped in conducting the 2010 Decennial Census, and I know this for a fact. However, I can offer one irrefutable fact: not a single person in this world of ours can claim to be 100 percent mentally healthy.

Human beings suffer mental illness, some more than others. To deny this is to deny historical fact. Our minds are not always clear and logical. Every day we question everything, including ourselves. The truth is that anyone who believes they are without mental deficiency is batshit crazy.


My point is simple and undeniable. Unless you live with someone, you don’t know them, and even then, it is a well-known fact that husbands and wives often keep secrets from one another.

My purpose is also simple and based on fact. Do not believe anyone in a position of power. They will either try to convince you that what they are saying is fact or simply tell you what you want to hear. The perfect example of this is found in Washington D.C.

Right-wing politicians will promise you everything. However, since the 1980’s they have failed to keep a single promise to the majority of our nation’s people. They lie constantly when they tell you what they will do for you, promising that your life will be better if they are in power. This lie has been exposed many times. Democrats have been forced to spend most of their time in the White House bailing out their Republican predecessors.

Clinton bailed out Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. President Obama saved our nation from the failings of George W. Bush. Joe Biden rescued the working class from the worst president in history, Donald Trump. During the Covid-19 pandemic, while Trump pretended to be your president, the number of millionaires and billionaires increased in our country, while the working class struggled to survive: many lost their jobs. Without the actions of President Biden, millions would have lost their homes or worse.


Trump is a liar, this is a fact known by all intelligent Americans. He brags about the economy during his very long four years pretending to be your president. The truth is our economy stabilized during his first three years of office because President Obama had put plans into action which moved our nation away from another recession. Trump did nothing but give tax cuts to the rich. He was too busy playing golf, partying at Mar-a-Lago at great cost to the American taxpayers, and holding hate rallies.

To make the situation worse, Trump ignored warnings by our nation’s leading health officials at the end of 2019, that a life-threatening virus was coming to America. Not only did the coronavirus nearly result in a depression, it resulted in the loss of more than one-million lives. Never forget that when he was in power Trump lied to the American people telling us that “Covid-19 will just go away.” He did nothing from December of 2019 until mid-March of 2020 when Americans began to die from the effects of Covid-19.


Every human fights an internal struggle every day. Our mental weaknesses can range from something as simple as insecurity to paranoia or other psychoses.

However, some display their mental instability freely to others. This is Donald John Trump.

It is a fact that he is the poster boy for malignant narcissism. Over the last few years it is now clear that he is “living in his own little world of fantasy.” Trump has lost all sense of reality. This began with his denial about the results of the 2020 election. He was clearly beaten by President Biden. This was proven by more than 60 state courts, as well as Trump’s own stacked Supreme Court.

Ricky Gervais said it best: “Opinions don’t affect facts. But facts should affect opinions, and do, if you’re rational.”

Those who deny facts simply choose to be ignorant.


I have learned one thing in my 77 years that is etched in my memory. If someone lies to me just once, they will no longer have my trust or respect. This is probably why my list of friends is very short.

I ceased watching all television news on November 9, 2016, the day after our nation’s people made their biggest mistake in history. Prior to the election, I watched several news programs, but as the election neared, I noticed two things.

When Trump, his campaign team, or his supporters were asked direct questions, they refused to answer that question. Instead, they went into campaign mode, repeating the same lies over and over again. Men and women who professed themselves to be legitimate journalists allowed them to say whatever they pleased.

Second, the mainstream media gave Trump five-times more coverage than all other candidates combined.

I continue to keep my promise to myself and refuse to watch any morning or evening news broadcast.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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