
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On Monday, July 1, 2024, an extremely corrupt Supreme Court took extraordinary action to aid Donald Trump’s hopes for winning the presidency. The 2016 election was rigged for Trump, and it’s happening again in 2024. The Court’s decision to give our presidents more power by placing them above the law, will be the final blow to the future of a free and democratic America. Our Founding Fathers made it perfectly clear that their creation of a Democratic Republic, with three “separate but equal branches,” therefore establishing a “check and balance system,” had a single purpose: to prevent any president from becoming a monarch or autocrat. This biased Court, with a 6-3 majority, destroyed their dream and gave fascists on the right side of the aisle an opportunity to rule over 330 million people. If the world ends on November 5 th with the election of Donald “Big Adolf” Trump, you will have had your last opportunity to vote in a free and fair election. I could lose m...