
Showing posts with the label Moron

Is Trump Unwittingly Reuniting our Nation and Too Stupid to Realize the Truth?

    Face it America, Trump and his party are the enemy. Trump is a destroyer, the opposite of a creator. This is why he failed to record a single accomplishment between 2017-2021, and will fail again between 2025 and 2029: if he lives that long, God forbid. Everything which improved the lives of the majority of our nation’s people has been removed over the last two weeks. Trump is showing his real self: he is a Nazi who supports our current plutocratic rule. He is NOT an American president. Calling Trump’s first two weeks pretending to be an American president have been labeled a disaster. This is true. However, it deserves adjectives added to disaster, including “abysmal,” “ultimate,” “horrific,” and many more. He told us that he would be taking revenge on his enemies, but not to this level. Most of every waking hour, and his executive orders are spent on personal attacks on his many, many detractors. None of this is focused on advancing the quality of life for our nation’s p...

An Entire Industry Could Declare Bankruptcy, but They Voted for the Con Man Who Will be Responsible

I’m not part of the deceitful mainstream media, so I’m not going to pull my punches: many of those who voted for Trump will suffer the most, and I have no sympathy for them. No one should vote for a candidate who lies and uses television to make fools out of them. An entire industry could face ruin if Trump keeps his promise to conduct mass deportations. His goons will not be concerned about Hispanics who are here legally, they will only care about the origin of the birth. The agricultural industry cannot survive without workers who are willing to literally break their backs caring and harvesting their crops. It is no secret that many of these men and women are not legally in our country. In multiple interviews some of the owners of these farms tell us that they have tried to hire young men and women who were born in America to work for them, but none of them are willing to work that hard for so little money. Add to this Trump’s moronic idea to place large tariffs on imports. Some nati...

Today Americans Remember our Fallen at Pearl Harbor 83 Years Ago; Except Trump

On a visit to France honoring our WWI soldiers who lost their lives fighting to save France from an invasion, Trump had a different slant on the day’s events. After refusing to attend the ceremony because it was rainy and windy and the weather would have ruffled his cheap toupee, the told an aide: “Why should they be honored? They’re all losers and suckers.” I paraphrase, but there was no doubt about his intentions. While today, December 7, 2024, we remember the soldiers and sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor 83 years ago, Trump will not. However, thanks to the ignorance of millions of American voters, on January 20, 2025, Trump will once again be the Commander-in-Chief of all America’s armed forces. Military boarding school obviously did nothing for the old, orange man. Over the last nine years we have learned everything about this decrepit 78-year-old man. Therefore, it is no surprise that he is a confirmed sexual predator, a convicted felon, the leader of the Neo-Nazi ...

Mike Johnson Either Failed His IQ Test, or He is One of the Biggest liars in a Party of Liars

Op-ed ed by TheWiseOldFart Pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, appeared on FOX “News” Monday. It was immediately clear that his goal was to downplay one of the darkest days in American history, July 1, 2024, when the Supreme Court violated the intent of the Constitution they swore to preserve and protect. Read the smoke he is trying to blow up your ass. He told his first lie, claiming we never had a president “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.” “There’s all sorts of hyperbole tonight, and this fantastical—these hypotheticals they’ve made up,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest. It’s madness.” I’m not concerned about President Biden or future presidents, I’m worried about your party’s leader, the one who attempted to overthrow our government. APPARENTLY, JOHNSON FAILED TO READ “GOVERNING FOR DUMMIES” Obviously, he doesn’t understand that the only vote which matters in a presidential election is the Electoral College. ...