For Our Country’s Future, If Trump Makes Demands, ‘Just Say No’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Trump’s own words and actions offer undeniable proof that he hates the America of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, as he faces multiple criminal trials, if he makes demands, just say no.

Trump is a traitor, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a xenophobe, and a homophobe. Why should anyone care what matters to what historians call “the worst president in American history?”

Trump Knows What All True Americans Know: He is Guilty of Every Accusation Made Against Him

“Lock him up.” If justice matters in America today, Trump will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in a prison. I ask a serious question: “why is the mainstream media afraid to call Trump what he is; a traitor?” Add to this the fact that Democrats lack the courage to tell Trump and the American people that Trump is America’s greatest enemy and unfit to hold any office at any level in America, and it is easy to see what is wrong with our nation in the 21st century: no one has the courage to do the right thing.

Trump never was my president, and his violations of the 14th amendment and the criminal code of justice related to treason and sedition guarantee that “Big Adolf” is unfit to serve in our nation’s government at any level.

Until the Rich and Powerful are Subject to the Law of the Land, America is Nothing but a Memory

Trump is legally not above the law. However, the media and our elected officials in Washington have surrendered to the orange buffoon and granted him total immunity. Will fascism take control of our nation on November 5th?

My greatest fear is that the American people are simply too stupid and uninformed to know what is actually happening in America.

The Second Civil War

In 1865 the Union army defeated domestic terrorists calling themselves “the Confederacy.” The Second Civil War is underway, and the issues remain the same. Trump and his Neo-Nazi army are waging a war to end democracy and in its place a fascist regime which will make slavery legal once again.

If Trump and his anti-American party win in November, the Constitution will be shredded and the dream of our Founding Fathers will be crushed forever.

Facts Cannot be Denied

The 2024 election is about the future of democracy. Our rights and freedoms were under attack between 2017 and 2021 and could end in 2025. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is reality.

Vote, vote, vote, but vote wisely. Choose men and women who will serve all Americans and not rule over us.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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“The Truth Lives Here”





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