Hate the Super-Rich? Can’t Blame You: Billionaires Are Your Enemy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The United States of America has become a Plutocracy thanks to the anti-American efforts of those who call themselves “conservatives,” the TEA Party and the Freedom Caucus. Our country is no longer a Democratic Republic, as designed by our Founding Fathers. It is now under the control of 765 billionaires.

If you are angry about the 40 percent increase in your grocery bill, I understand. If your utility bill has risen by 30-50 percent, I feel your  anger. If you live on a fixed income, and your overall cost of living has increased by 30-70 percent, you should hate corporations and your government which are complicit with the wealthy to make your lives more difficult. The average Social Security COLA is less than four percent.

Both the 2010 and the 2020 Decennial Census’ revealed a disturbing fact. Adjusting for inflation, the average working family has not received an increase in their income for nearly 40 years, while the number of billionaires and millionaires has risen astronomically. Income inequality has become the biggest threat to our nation’s economy.

The Truth is, There is no Comparison with My America in the 1950’s and 1960’s and America Today

In 2024, the American people are an afterthought for our elected officials. The promises they make before the election are hollow. The super-rich and large corporations live the American dream, while most of us struggle to survive. Everything we possess could be gone tomorrow. Mortgages we cannot afford, credit card debt, and other financial responsibilities threaten 90 percent of all American families.

All Republicans are Hypocrites and Liars

Republicans attempt to frighten the working class, claiming that Democrats plan to remake America into a socialist nation. The truth is far more sinister. Trump and his “people” seek an end to democracy and replace it with a fascist regime. Plutocracies cannot exist for long in a democratic society.

Many of our nation’s policies are based on socialism, including undeserved tax cuts for the super-rich and large corporations. They benefit more than anyone else from socialist policies. Few of our nation’s policies are focused on the quality of life for most of our nation’s people. Republicans continue to believe in trickle-down economics. Not only did this policy fail under Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump, it is the reason our national debt is measured in the trillions of dollars.

The American People are Far Behind the Rest of the World

The United States is the only developed nation not to offer every citizen free healthcare. Not only does America refuse to offer free education to anyone who wants it, but the price of a college education is also prohibitive for most Americans. Every year this continues to be a reality, we lose some of our greatest minds. They are not replaceable.

Most Americans are unaware that there is no law forcing employers to offer paid vacations to all employees. As the Reagan administration began to destroy unions, rights and privileges the working class took for granted began to disappear. In today’s America, corporations have all the power, their employees none.

The most laughable lie politicians tell us has never been based on reality: “America is the greatest country in the world.” Racism and bigotry are a growing problem. The rights women fought for since 1789 are being taken away. Neo-Nazis, who once remained in the shadows, are now brazenly walking in the hallways of our nation’s Capitol. One half of all Americans are in the low-income demographic or struggle to survive with incomes below the poverty line. And yet politicians claim America is the “richest country in the world.” You and I don’t live in that country.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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