
Showing posts with the label Constitution

Was Anyone not Aware that the GOP is Racist and Homophobic?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On Easter Sunday President Biden recognized a small and maligned group of Americans. Since 2009, March 31 st has been a day for recognizing the plight of Americans who identify themselves as transexuals. After mentioning this fact , t he President was immediately attacked by Trump and his Fascist Party, calling him everything imaginable including “ A Satan worshipper.”   I want to inform every member of the fake Republican Party that real Americans were already aware that they are racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogyni sts. We did not need additional proof.   Has Easter Sunday Become a Day to Celebrate Hatred and Prejudice?   It would appear that Easter Sunday is no longer a day for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but a day to express hatred and pr ejudice for anyone who is not white and heterosexual.   Diversity is America’s Greatness, and Includes Sexual Orien tation   Freedom is a word which is used freely, but what does i

What is Merrick Garland Doing?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has violated the Constitution and civil laws more than any other man in history. He has no shame, morals, and no conscience. His violations of federal law include the two most egregious crimes against our nation: treason and sedition.   Why Hasn’t Merrick Garland Issued a Warrant for his Arrest?   Anyone who watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, witnessed the darkest day in our nation’s history. Over three hours my wife and I watched “Trump’s People,” members of Neo-Nazi groups and their sympathizers commit acts of violence as they searched for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi with the intent of murdering them.   There was no other word which came to mind other than treason. To learn that a sitting president had planned, organized, and executed an attempted coup did not seem real, did not seem possible.   In 1955 the Rosenbergs were executed for the same crime committed by your former fake president.   It was no secret that Trump stole 14 boxes of

Our Judicial System is Shattered and Trump is Laughing at my America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today, another corrupt court confirmed that Trump is above the law and never will be punished for nearly 100  crimes committed against the people of the United States of America.   Monday, 3/25/24, Trump was required to post a bond of 445 million dollars or his properties would become eligible for forfeiture under the forfeiture act. After losing his fraud case, these were the terms.   However, on Monday a state appeals court reduced the required bond to a less costly 175 million. No one would give a man who never pays his debts one-half billion dollars.   The Truth is, Trump is Broke   Trump could have lost Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or any other property he owned. Another corrupt court will allow him to continue the pretense that he has any rights. He will once again receive a free pass, although Trump should be in a federal detention facility awaiting trial for treason.   The America of our Founding Fathers is but a Memory   If the Constitutio