Did Kamala Harris Finally Unite Democrats?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I do not like political parties, they are an obstacle to democracy and freedom of thought. Voters who profess their loyalty to Democrats or Republicans are wasting their votes. If you vote for any candidate for the sole reason that they have an “R” or a “D” next to their name, you are choosing to be ignorant. I have been an Independent since the first year in which I could vote, 1968. I admit that most of the time prior to 2000, I voted for more Democrats than Republicans. However, beginning in 2000, I have never found anyone claiming to be a Republican worthy of my vote at the federal level. However, I have always had one complaint about Democrats: a lack of unity when it is needed. “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” Will Rogers MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED Just 30 years ago, if a presidential candidate had engaged in extramarital relations, or simply divorce and remarried, he might as well have resigned from his campaign. Mora...