Do We Need the Supreme Court?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The current Supreme Court is corrupt and useless to the American people. Five men and one woman are unfit to sit on our nation’s highest Court. They spend every minute overturning decisions by previous and legitimate Supreme Courts and lower courts which failed to serve the wishes of right-wing politicians. They proved their bias in support of fascist presidential candidate, Donald Trump when they granted him absolute immunity. They ignored the fact that the men who wrote the Constitution took great effort to prevent a monarch or dictator from ruling the New Nation. Our next “president” could be our last. Considering these irrefutable facts, do we need a Supreme Court? FACT: CONSIDERING THE BIAS OF THIS COURT, OUR NATION WOULD BE BETTER WITHOUT IT It is clear that many of the decisions from lower appeals courts protect the intent of the Constitution, while six members of the highest Court in the land continue to remake laws in favor or the American Fascist Party...