Hey Donny Boy, the Truth Hurts, but the Truth Will Set America Free

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart History proves that for the last nine years the mainstream media allowed Trump to lie to the American people in front of the television cameras without demanding any admission of falsehood or retraction from the orange buffoon. History also proves that the tale of Trump’s life begins and ends with a pattern of lies and playing the role of a con man. Although Trump’s “basement dwellers” refuse to accept the truth, others, like me, have followed “the real Donald Trump” and what we learned is based on fact not fiction. Over the last 78 years Trump has struggled to create an illusion. However, facts prove that if he had not received assistance from leaders of foreign nations, he would have never received notoriety or credibility. He would have become penniless and the events of the last nine years would never have happened. THE DISEASE IS MALIGNANT NARCISSIM From birth until today, Trump’s history reveals a desperate need for attention and validation. Notable mental...