
Showing posts with the label Trump Administration

Washington has Become a Really Bad Marx Brothers Movie

In the 1930’s some of the funniest movies ever made starred the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo. In 1933, they made a movie/satire called “Duck Soup.” The storyline was about a fictional country called “Freedonia,” which was in desperate need of new leadership. Enter Groucho Marx. What is happening at this very moment in Washington reminded me of   the hilarious farcical film, with one exception: Trump and his clowns are not funny: not even a little bit. The level of incompetence within all three branches of government in 2025 is truly unbelievable. It appears that the least qualified fake president in history purposely chose the worst men and women possible to join his already failed administration. America laughed about the nomination of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General until we realized Trump was serious. Then we were forced to admit that Trump is a senile and very old man whose dementia is increasing rapidly. He is too old and undeniably unfit to lead all 340 mill...

Trump’s “Great Economy”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   [ The statistics for the entirety of Donald Trump’s time in office are nearly all compiled. As we did for his predecessor four years ago, we present a final look at the numbers.   The economy lost 2.7 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.7 percentage points to 6.4%.   Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.4% after inflation.   After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.   The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 36.3% from 2016.   The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.   The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion .   Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%. ...