The Big Flaw in the Democratic Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If we look at the progressive agenda of the Democratic Party, and how Democratic and Independent voters respond, it seems impossible for right-wing politicians to be victorious in any pollical race of importance. However, there is one big flaw within the Democratic Party; a flaw which is non-existent among those calling themselves “Republicans.” In 1981, weeks before the inauguration of our 40 th President, Ronald Reagan, private meetings within the Republican Party discussed the agenda of their new party’s leader. President-elect Reagan’s first priority was “unification.” He demanded that all members of his party serving in Washington and in state’s legislatures support his agenda without exception. I don’t need to inform you that this continues today. After Trump’s illegitimate inauguration in 2017, 100 percent of all Republicans capitulated to Trump and his unconstitutional agenda, surrendering their principles, morals, and right to think freely. On that sad...