Fact: Law Enforcement and Judges Cannot be Trusted: What About our Military?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let's look at what happened in America since 2017, and the truth about the darkest day in Ame rican history, January 6, 2021. First, let me tell you about how time is the greatest teacher of all . As I moved from childhood and became a young adult, I realized that I had been a child of white privilege . Therefore, I had always trusted law enforcement, the justice system , and our military leaders , virtually anyone older than me, or in a position of power. Education is not entirely the result of schools and books. I know that experien ce is often of greater value than formal education. I was sixteen in 1962 before I learned about the “two Americas.” This is not a phrase popular in 2024, but it remains a reality, l ike it or not. I left Parochial School in my junior year of high school . I enrolled in a public high school . I was now a student in an institution which had a diverse student body and offered additional free...