Is Kamala Harris Tough Enough? I Think You Will Enjoy This

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A woman. What does this mean for Trump, his fake Republican Party, and even to some Democrats who know little about Vice-President Harris’ past? Men will question her “toughness,” and possibly her resolve in critical situations. Sexism was Hillary Clinton’s second biggest adversary after Vladimir Putin. Let’s look back at ‘Senator’ Harris in 2018 vs Brett Kavanaugh, and Bill Barr in 2019. BRETT KAVANAUGH LOST IN HIS BATTLE OF WITS WITH KAMALA HARRIS In 2018, confirmation hearings were held for Brett Kavanaugh after the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. For me, it was reminiscent of the 1991 confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas. Thomas was accused of sexual misconduct by his assistant, Anita Hill. The mostly old, white men refused to believe Ms. Hill, and Thomas was confirmed. In 2018, Kavanaugh was accused of rape during his college years by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford. Once again, the male-dominated Senate virtually called her a liar. He...