Reasons to Despise Elon Musk

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have always despised Elon Musk. He should stick to engineering because he sucks at everything else, including effort s to become a respected human being. He is one of America’ s 813 billionaires, which immediately makes him the e nemy of most Americans; the working class. I define th is aging fool as an “arrogant prig.” He has no value. If he was not a very rich man, he would h ave no purpose i n American society. A TRUMP WANNABE Musk is desperate to be relevant like his fake friend, Donald Trump. When he purch ased the company former known as “twitter,” he abandoned Tesla and S pa ceX, while ruining a formerly successful branch of social media into a near failure . Today he rein stated all privileges formerly r emoved from Trump on “X” and donated money to a group who supports the worst man in the world. Someone tell me again why I shouldn’t hate the super-rich? AMERICA IS IN A WAR BETWEEN TH...