To Save America, Every Voter Must Reject All Political Parties

I must be totally honest with you: I did not read the attached article. The title of the story made me think about what is really wrong with America’s leadership, something ignored by the mainstream media, which once again hides the truth from our nation’s people. It made me think about why I am an Independent. The government of the United States is not only dysfunctional, it is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. Every man and woman who holds a political office, including the Supreme Court, has ignored its primary purpose: to protect and expand the quality of life for all of America’s people. If you sit on the right side of the aisle, the profits of the super-rich and major corporations are priority number one. For the men and women who sit on both sides of the aisle, reelection is their primary goal. Political parties are the problem. There is no logical reason for belonging to a political party. They do not deserve your loyalty or support. The only thing they share is the...