Why is Voting Important if Your Vote Doesn’t Count?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I encourage everyone to vote. I continue to read responses like, “my vote doesn’t matter,” or “why should I if my vote doesn’t count?” I understand how some voters feel. I live in a “purple state.” However, if I lived in a red state, I would have no reason to vote. Electoral votes in deep red states usually go to those calling themselves “Republicans.” I admit that when I was first allowed to vote in 1968, I knew nothing about the Electoral College. I assumed that the candidate who received the most votes would be our next president. Little did I know that the states actually choose our nation’s leader. When I did understand the truth, more than 10 years later, I was extremely upset. I had grown up in California, but what if I had been a resident of Mississippi or any other red state? THERE IS BUT ONE WAY TO DEFEAT THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTORAL COLLEGE First, there would be no “red or blue states” if the Electoral College did not exist. This i...