If You Enjoy Lies, You Love Trump’s Fallacious Commercials Demeaning Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Okay, we know that today’s Republicans in name only are the party of racism and bigotry. They oppose the very idea of complete equality for all Americans based on their race, or skin color. They use Christianity to deny the existence of the LGBTQ community. There most recent focus has been on transgender Americans. Trump’s people are running an ad claiming that Kamala Harris supports gender change medical care for incarcerated men and women and illegal residents. It is a fact that half-truths are more dangerous than blatant falsehoods. The tape shown in the ad was made in 2020. She was answering questions related to several court decisions which confirmed the right of prisoners to obtain medical care based on the Eighth Amendment. [The Trump ad uses a 2020 interview clip, in which Harris says she supports gender-affirming surgery for transgender prisoners who can demonstrate that their mental health depends on it. "Every transgender inmate in the prison sys...