Did a Red State Governor Kill Someone You Loved?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Supporting Donald Trump’s moronic ideas and policies can cost you your life. According to health experts, Trump is directly responsible for at least 10,000 of the more than one million American deaths related to Covid-19. Their allegations are based on the undeniable fact that the worst president in history failed to take action in December of 2019 when he was informed of an approaching healthcare emergency. He continued to ignore the coming pandemic, telling the American people, “We are better prepared, and it will just go away.” Governors in red states took Trump’s words seriously and failed to enforce suggested preventative actions to save lives issued by the CDC. “As many as one-quarter of a million Americans died simply because their state governments refused to impose good public health standards. They died as appeasements to the twin gods of ignorance and politics.” Daily Kos BEING UNAWARE OF FACTS IS ACCEPTABLE, BUT CHOOSING TO IGNORE THEM IS NOT I am no...