How the GOP Continues to Reject Anything Which Would Improve the Quality of Life for Most Americans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The question I have asked for more than ten years is clear and simple: why would any working-class man or woman vote for a Republican? The records show that these Republicans in name only continue to vote against every measure which would improve the quality of life for most Americans. What these fake Republicans oppose: universal healthcare: free or affordable education for all: sensible immigration reform: fair taxation: protecting the right to vote: a woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health: freedom of and freedom from religion: and preserving the right of same-sex marriage. CHANGE CAME WITH RONALD REAGAN AND IT WASN’T GOOD The disaster which was Donald Trump, 2017-2021, began in 1981. I, and millions of other voters were lied to by Ronald Reagan during the 1980 campaign. The man I believed he was never took residence in the White House. His policies reshaped the entire Republican Party. He began by declaring war on the workin...