
Showing posts with the label Project 2025

“It’s the Economy, Stupid”

Political writers claim the results of the 2024 election were based on one single promise made by a pathological liar. Trump said: “I will end inflation on day one.” Personally, I do not agree with the reasons offered by others for Trump’s questionable victory on November 5, 2024. However, I may be wrong and what was in reality “Greedflation” continues to grow today. Not once has Trump mentioned a single effort on his part to address the issue. The fact is that his ill-advised tariffs will be in effect today and the prices of necessities will rise even higher. In 1992, Democratic political strategist, James Carville, spoke to the press about the coming election. For 12 years Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush destroyed our nation’s economy, adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. They shared the same belief in “trickle-down economics:” give money to the rich and they will increase employment and therefore grow the economy. They were terribly wrong. When ...

Has Elon Musk Always Been a Nazi?

  Co-president, Elon Musk, finished a speech at another Trump hate rally on Monday with the words, “thank you for making it happen.” Then he did something which might have surprised some, but not yours truly. He gave the crowd the infamous Nazi salute. Musk placed his right hand over his heart and snapped his arm forward at a 45-degree angle. Of course the buffoon denied any intent to pay homage to Hitler, Putin, Trump or their fascist beliefs. In response, the SpaceX and Tesla chief posted on X: "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired." However, he repeated the gesture, confirming that he was fully aware of what it signified. "My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured," the 53-year-old said, after giving the second one-armed salute. Okay, let’s discuss a few of the issues which confirm your new president is a Nazi. Trump has surrounded himself with many of our nati...

18 Days Until the Reign of Beelzebub Begins

  There remain just 18 days until Beelzebub crawls from his lair in South Florida and takes his place on the throne in the mighty city of Washington. Flee if you can, and if you cannot, arm yourself and prepare, for the worst is yet to come. If you thought that the years between 2017 and 2018 were time spent in hell, just wait. Beelzebub Trump will once again bring his destructive force to the White House. He is once again armed with an army fueled by fear, anger, hatred, and eager to commit violence against the masses, but he is now a vengeful god escaped from the underworld. This time Beelzebub Trump has a fascist manifesto composed for him by the right-wing extremist Heritage Foundation with the assistance of former aides who worked for Trump in his previous administration. It is a 922-page document called “Project 2025.” Its content originated during Trump’s many hate rallies beginning in 2015. However, Trump lied when questions were asked about its contents. "I know nothing a...

If You Voted for Republicans Last Month, This is What You Paid For

I remember Republicans. As a 78-year-old lifelong Independent voter, I was offered a choice when I went to the polls. I admit that most of the time the Democratic candidate received my vote. The policies of most Republicans were too regressive, and my beliefs are more progressive. Change is always necessary, but sometimes change moves an entire nation in the wrong direction. Sadly, the once Grand Old Party took its final breath on the morning of January 20, 2017. It is an undeniable fact that between 2017 and 2021, the backwards policies of the Trump administration destroyed many of the accomplishments made over the previous 60-70 years. Hate crimes rose by 800 percent as Blacks, Hispanics, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and women in general were verbally and physically assaulted as your president continued to use rhetoric focused on fear, anger, and hatred. He encouraged violence in his name and his supporters eagerly responded. Domestic terrorism became the greatest threat to t...

If Trump Withdraws from NATO, WWIII Will be Imminent: Whose Side Will America Fight For?

During his first illegitimate term pretending to be your president, Trump attempted to dismantle NATO, threatening to withdraw America from its leadership. First, another fact the mainstream media will always hide from you. Vladimir Putin openly expressed his desire to end the United States of America in the 1980’s, as a high-ranking officer in the KGB. His first plan included ending the NATO alliance. Putin has been enemy number one for America since he rose to power 40 years ago. Another fact: the existence of NATO and the inclusion of Article 5, is the only reason there has not been a WWIII. Article 5 includes a promise that if one member is attacked, all members have been attacked and will respond as one. Without NATO, Russia, China, and North Korea would have joined together to attack multiple nations in Europe, Asia, and most certainly the United States long ago. Humanity is a race eager for ultimate power, and wars are its tools. Mankind is too ignorant to learn lessons from cen...

When Fascism Came to America, It Was Hugging a Flag, Selling Bibles, and Wearing a Cheap Toupee

Rules are broken. The Constitution is a list of rules, promises, and guarantees. However, Trump violated the Constitution every day between 2017 and 2021 and congress nor the Supreme Court did anything to punish our nation’s biggest traitor. Recently exposed is Trump’s plan to employ Hitler’s use of Germany’s military to destroy the lives of an entire race of people he despises. Hitler waged a personal war against the Jewish people. Trump will use our nation’s military to complete his promise of Hispanic mass deportation and possible genocide almost immediately after January 20 th . They voted in large numbers for the orange buffoon and will now suffer for their stupidity. I have labeled Trump a fascist for more than a decade, and he continues to prove my allegations. It is now an undeniable fact the fascism arrived in the White House on January 20, 2017. It was in the form of an obese, old, white man who loved to hug the flag, sold bibles to enhance his personal wealth, and continues ...

Trump and his Project 2025 Will Literally Hand our Nation Over to Vladimir Putin

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If our nation loses its collective mind and gives Trump four more years to destroy our country, within his first year fascism will replace democracy, and Vladimir Putin will be the person controlling everything which happens in America. Freedom in every form will be quashed by Trump and Putin. Free thought, free speech, and free and fair elections will no longer exist. Trump’s failures destroyed our economy. Nearly 300,000 jobs were lost permanently. The national debt rose by eight trillion dollars. And nothing of importance was accomplished for the majority in four, long years. Trump intentionally divided or nation to a level not seen since the first Civil War. Lies and conspiracy theories replaced the truth and facts as millions of our nation’s people chose to be ignorant. Throughout all of this, FOX News continued to lead the way, producing more lies than Trump himself. It exposed itself once and for all as a right-wing extremist propaganda machine. Truth was...

The Truth Hurts: He is Definitely a Fascist

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The GOP is whining because after Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, confirmed his appraisal of his former boss as a definition of the term “fascist,” Kamala Harris agreed. The truth hurts. One of their facetious claims is that it could encourage another assassination attempt on their former president. I remain skeptical about the credibility of the first two. I have never read an explanation for one legitimate question: where did the bullet go after it allegedly struck Trump in the ear? Did he use the professional wrestler’s trick of using a razorblade to cut his own ear? Trump’s own words prove that he is a Neo-Nazi. Fascism: “a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition.” Trump’s stacked Supreme Court made all of this possible. Trump’s plans for America’s future contained in Project 2025, are a compilation of Tru...

Fascism has Arrived in America: It’s Wearing a Cross and Waving the Flag

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, agrees with me: Trump is undoubtedly a fascist. The truth is more upsetting than the fact that one man who wants to be your president hates democracy. The reality is one entire political party has morphed from being the “Grand Old Party,” or the Party of Lincoln, and is now Trump’s “American Fascist Party.” It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the right-wing’s extremist list of plans and policies, labeled “Project 2025,” is a 922-page revival of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” To deny this fact is to choose ignorance over reality. Your vote is guaranteed by the First Amendment. However, it is more than a right, it is a responsibility. Vote and vote for yourself and those you love. Kamala Harris in 2024. Op-ed by James Turnage Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

A Little Test: Are You a Patriot?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It’s another election year. The most important right guaranteed to all Americans is your right to vote. With that right comes great responsibility. If you vote for a party, casting aside consideration for who might be the best candidate for our nation’s future, you are not a patriotic American. Political parties are the problem, not the solution. They are not concerned with rebuilding our dysfunctional government. They seek power and wealth. Patriot: “a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.” Hugging the flag, wearing a hat with a slogan intended to be patriotic but is in fact racist, and constantly suggesting that our country is a disaster, does not make you a patriot. The facts prove that Trump is our nation’s enemy. WHO IS DONALD JOHN TRUMP AND WHAT ARE HIS PARTY OF EXTREMISTS? With 922 pages of plans for our nation’s future, Project 2025 is filled with an agenda which can only be described as ...

America is Totally Messed Up, Surviving on Corruption and Secrecy

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I can’t help but think, “what would Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and John Kennedy be thinking today about the worst government in the world?”   For the first time in my life, I know that all three branches of our government are corrupt, and nothing will change without courage and determination by our nation’s people. However, If I can j udge today’s America by the polls, the dream of our Founding Fathers is about to take its last breaths.   All of our nation’s great leaders would be shocked to know that a man who attempted to overthrow our government was allowed to run for office, and even more so that he had millions of supporters.   WORSE THAN ANY THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY   Let’s look at this year’s election honestly, not politically.   I remember my first presidential election. I turned 21 in 1967, and in 1968 I would be voting for the man who would lead my beloved country for the ne xt f...