
Showing posts with the label Project 2025

One Example of One of the Most Important Issues of This Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1981 the Republican Party began to change. It could no longer be called “the Party of Lincoln.” Right wing politicians had begun their abandonment of the principles, morals, and ideals of a great President, and an even greater man. One change remains a dark fact which is no longer a secret. Facts confirm that when there is a large voter turnout the results of the election favor Democrats. Today every red state has passed laws focused on voter suppression. This is a major issue no one is talking about. The targets are specific groups which historically support Democratic candidates. A combination of this fact and Republican racism and bigotry led Republicans to place an emphasis on Black voters, but now includes anyone who is not pure white and Christian. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION Trump suffered a devastating defeat in the 2020 election. He knows it. However, his affliction with malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting this irrefutable fact. Th

It’s not Just Trump, Trump’s Entire Party is a Danger to America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart To save America’s future Donald Trump must never be allowed within shouting distance of the White House again. However, his entire party has become a danger to our country. They have proven themselves to be traitors to the American people. “Project 2025” is a “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” composed by the Heritage Foundation and more than 100 of Trump’s personal staff. A more accurate title would be, “A Fascist Playbook for America’s Future.” It is filled with plans to shred the Constitution, replace democracy with a fascist regime, and place Trump in position as America’s Fuhrer. It contains nearly 900 pages of goals and plans to end the nation of our Founding Fathers. Trump continues to deny any part in the composition of Project 2025, but he is clearly lying, again. He constantly claims that “he has done nothing wrong,” that “he never made a mistake.” Let me offer one irrefutable fact: “if you have never made a mistake, you have

Nikki Haley’s Failed, Short Campaign to Benefit Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s be honest, my friends. Although I despise the word and its meaning, most Americans, real Americans, hate Donald John Trump. He stands for everything true patriots oppose. One fact about Trump seldom discussed is the fact that he is lazy. He has never worked a day in his life. I have seen photos of him driving his golf cart onto a green, too lazy to walk a few feet from the cart path. After she ended her campaign, former South Carolina Governor, and Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, offered her fealty to Trump. She advised him to seek support from the men and women who voted for her in the primaries. This was too much effort for Trump. President Biden decided that he might persuade Haley’s supporters to vote for him. Today, a growing number of Haley’s supporters are organizing a campaign to offer their support for Kamala Harris. Craig Snyder is the campaign director. “When we cast our votes in the primaries we weren’t really voting for her as a

Let Me Explain Something to You, Donny Boy, Rioting is not Protesting

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The First Amendment was considered critical to the establishment of a country founded on freedom and basic human rights. It is the foundation for a Democratic Republic which encourages input by all of its people. Before Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the First Amendment, he considered four precepts critical to freedom for all. 1. Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people can only think for themselves. 2. Free speech makes representatives accountable to We the People. 3. Free speech is necessary for the discovery of truth and the rejection of falsehood. 4. Free speech allows the public discussion necessary for democratic self-government.  To refresh your memory, read our Founding Father’s final draft. [Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Gov

What Happens if Republicans and the Christian Religious Right Get What They Want

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Watching clips of the Republican Convention made me think of an idea I had for a novel after watching a disturbing television show. I know that the men and women I admire for their creativity and incredible variety of characters have achieved success beyond my belief. However, once in a while, I have ideas combined with imagination which excite me. “American Gothic” was a frightening television series which lasted for a single season. It came to mind when I thought about the RNC. The show began with a typical American family on a vacation to experience America. It quickly devolved into a horrific tale about evil and the decline of humanity. Plans for America’s future offered by fake Republicans last week misrepresented the intent of Project 2025. They attempted to create an image of a great future for America. I, and many others would like to offer you the truth. WELCOME TO THE NEW GOP: THE AMERICAN FASCIST PARTY The platform of today’s Republican Party in name

At the RNC, Republican Politicians Bragged About a “Better Life” with Trump as Your Illegitimate President

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Last week the Republican National Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There were a lot of loud speeches, without original content. Kissing Trump’s humongous derriere was mandatory. Truthfully, most of it was a “sleepfest.” The worst came at the end when Trump accepted the nomination. He set an all-time record for length of an acceptance speech filled with lies, undecipherable comments, and more bragging and complaining, sometimes in the same sentence. I did get one huge laugh from the speeches when someone I never saw or heard of claimed that four years ago, when Trump was your illegitimate president, life in America was better than today. I have no idea what country he was living in between 2017 and 2021, but it definitely wasn’t mine. REPUBLICANS WANT YOU TO FORGET ABOUT COVID-19 Four years ago in July, thousands of Americans were dying every month from the ravages of Covid-19. Many of those lives were directly attributable to Trump’s inabil

Trump’s Blueprints for HIs America: Just Say No ection

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you consider yourself intelligent, you refuse to listen to political speeches, lies from all politicians, and of course all political advertisements.   If you can read, I suggest you look closely at Trump and his party’s blueprint s for our nation’s future. There are only two documents, but I warn you, one is 920 pages long and written by more than 200 men and women who work ed for the dumbest president in history: yes, even dumber than George W. Bush.   PROJECT 2025: A DUMMIES GUIDE TO FASCISM   The extremist right-wing organization known as the Heritage Foundation , in concert with more than 200 men and women who worked for Trump during his illegitimate presidency, created a 9 2 0 - page document they call “Project 2025.” If th ey had the courage to give it a more accurate title, it would be called “Fascism for Dummies.” The current Republican Party in name only has adopted it as their platform in 2024/2025.   The “project”  is a document listing

Sorry, (not Sorry), Republicans, but the Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you support Trump, you are a Neo-Nazi Fascist. Deny it all you want, but the proof is in the new Republican handbook, Project 2025, and Trump’s personal “Agenda 47.” They are virtually one and the same, and every action suggested in the documents mirror Adolf Hitler’s playbook in 1930’s Germany. When I was a child, my parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents were celebrating the defeat of Adolf Hitler and the end of fascism. Today, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, men and women calling themselves “Republicans” are celebrating the revival of fascism in America. In an unusual display of honesty, those calling themselves “Republicans” today must change the name of their party to “The American Fascist Party.” Not a single man or woman will tell the truth. On-camera men and women are forbidden from performing their duties as members of the Fourth Estate. Fact: in 2024 the terms “Republicans,” and “Fascism” are synonyms. If only someone other than me would tell the truth.

Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025

Keep the Focus on Trump’s Project 2025    Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   A terrib l e debate on both sides. A conviction on 34 felonie s. Democrats vacillating on President Biden’s competenc e . Another fake judge placing Trump above the law. Trump choosing a running mate who once accurately portrayed him as a “modern Hitler.”  Some moron in the RNC choosin g a very blue city i n Wisconsin as its choice to hold a national convention. A controversial    attempted assassination with more questions than answers . Unreliable polls. A convicted felon and sexual predator running for the presidency. Religion as a critical issue in a country which prohibits interference by any faith.   These are some of the issues involved in the 2024 election.    Universal healthcare, pervasive racism within law enforcement and our federal government, immigration reform, the prohibitive cost of higher education, women’s rights, domestic terrorism, voter suppression, and inco me inequality have been forgotten