
Showing posts with the label Republican Convention

Here’s a Little Humor for Your Thursday: Thank you Fake Republicans

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Several years ago, just a mention of the word “Republican” might have resulted in a chuckle, or possibly a laugh. Beginning in the 1980’s, Republican voters selected men and women who had no resemblance to the Republican Party of the past. They were buffoons, but because they had an “R” next to their name on the ballot they received undeserved votes. Today the situation is even more ludicrous. First, there are only a handful of true Republicans anywhere in the United States. The Party of Lincoln surrendered its morals and principles to Trump on January 20, 2017. MORONS LIVING AMONGST US In 2024, just seeing or hearing a name of one of these fake Republicans brings back memories of some of the dumbest things ever done by any human being. For example: Ted Cruz. Not only is he the biggest hypocrite in a party composed entirely of hypocrites, he earned the nickname “Cancun Cruz” when the people of Texas were suffering and even dying from a severe cold wave which r

100 Percent of the Attendees at the Convention Share One Thing, and 90 Percent Share Something More Interesting

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every attendee at the former Republican Party’s convention in Milwaukee shares one fact. They are all Neo-Nazis, supportive of a fascist regime to replace democracy, while declaring their fealty to Trump. I was confused at times. The effusive and embarrassing praise for the convicted felon was so repetitive, I wasn’t sure if this was taking place in America, 1930’s Germany, North Korea, or Moscow. The similarity was uncanny. They are a united party, at least in public. HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL At least 90 percent of the men and women at the convention were previously vehement critics of the worst illegitimate president in history. A large number of this 90 percent were members of the “anyone but Trump club” in 2016. All of them called him “dangerous,” “immoral,” “unhinged,” “unfit,” and numerous other negative adjectives. However out of this 90 percent, 100 percent became hypocrites. They scream and yell for Trump while inside they are calling him names and likely

Clones from 1930’s Germany are Gathering in Milwaukee This Week

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must admit something to all of you. I have been honest when I talk about Trump, his party, and his supporters. There is no question that their policies and plans include the end of democracy, and replacing freedom with a fascist regime. Take a good look at Trump’s Project 2025. However, what I failed to recognize is the existence of reincarnated Nazis pretending to be Republicans is already happening. This is no longer a movement to create a fascist regime, it has been here for the last seven years and gaining power and support from the wealthiest people in our country. I don’t know why I failed to realize what I was seeing was reality, and not a “could be.” Right-wing politicians don’t just support Trump, they literally bow to him the same way Hitler’s inner circle deferred to his every demand. They are not allowed to have their own thoughts. If they disagree in any way with their Fuhrer, they are punished with attacks from “Big Adolf.” For example, when the