Did Putin Rig the Election, Again?

Thousands of individuals in my part of Northern Nevada checked to see if their votes were counted at the registrar’s office. Many of them were not. Did this happen in other “swing states?” What about the bogus bomb threats? How long were the voting machines unattended? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but something is definitely suspicious about the outcome of the November 5 th election. The final poll showed Kamala Harris ahead nationally by three points. That is a very large number on voting day. Ms. Harris had momentum. Her rallies were twice as large as Trump’s in every swing state. The only Republican president to win the popular vote prior to last Tuesday since 1992 was “W” in 2004. He barely defeated John Kerry in his re-election effort. Trump lost the popular vote by more than three million in 2016, and eight million in 2020. Is our government hiding something from us, again? Common sense tells me that there is no way Trump legitimately won all seven swing states. The odd...