What Really Happened in Pennsylvania on Saturday?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Some people sitting behind the podium, and a few reporters and cameramen saw him. They watched someone “bear crawling” on top of a building just outside of the event where Trump was about to hold another hate rally . The Secret Service and other law enforcement officers did nothing, and apparen tly saw nothing until the sound of gunfire was heard by everyone. Trump reached his hand up to the right side of his face and dropped down behind the podium. When he was helped up by about a half dozen men and women, blood was trickling from his right ear. I couldn’t help bu t think about a time when I watched a documentary about professional wrestling. There’s a saying in the fake sport: “red gets green.” This simply means that “blood draws spectators.” The blood is real, but the reason for it was an illusion. The “injured” wres tler had a razor blade between his first two fingers and cut himself. I’m not claiming tha...