It’s not Just Trump, Trump’s Entire Party is a Danger to America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart To save America’s future Donald Trump must never be allowed within shouting distance of the White House again. However, his entire party has become a danger to our country. They have proven themselves to be traitors to the American people. “Project 2025” is a “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” composed by the Heritage Foundation and more than 100 of Trump’s personal staff. A more accurate title would be, “A Fascist Playbook for America’s Future.” It is filled with plans to shred the Constitution, replace democracy with a fascist regime, and place Trump in position as America’s Fuhrer. It contains nearly 900 pages of goals and plans to end the nation of our Founding Fathers. Trump continues to deny any part in the composition of Project 2025, but he is clearly lying, again. He constantly claims that “he has done nothing wrong,” that “he never made a mistake.” Let me offer one irrefutable fact: “if you have never made a mistake, you ...