Moving Closer to Fascism: “Show Me Your Papers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Led by the dark red state of Texas, other right-wing-leaning states are following their example and requiring documents proving anyone who does not appear to be white is a citizen of the United States to receive rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Now the extremists known as “the Freedom Caucus” in the House of Representatives want to inflict another fascist law upon all Americans. Suppressing voter turnout remains a priority. PREPARING THE WAY FOR THEIR FUHRER It is no secret that Trump hates anyone who is not pure white. He has shown that he is the leaders of all white supremacists in America time and time again. One of his greatest fears is a large voter turnout. He has been defeated twice in the popular vote, winning the 2016 Electoral College vote by a slim margin with the assistance of Vladimir Putin. Trump was crushed in both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote in 2020. In 2020 the largest turnout in voting history guaranteed a Biden v...