President Biden Honors a Patriotic American and a Real Republican

Anyone who knows anything about American history and our nation’s political system is aware that the men and women who sit on the right side of the aisle in the 21 st century are not true Republicans. These pretenders forever abandoned the principles and the ideals of the Grand Old Party on January 20, 2017. This Republican Party has moved so far to the right there is no doubt they support fascism. One real Republican who proved her love of country by performing the job for which she was elected is Liz Cheney, former Representative from Wyoming, and daughter of former vice-president, Dick Cheney. Unlike her fellow Republicans, she was not afraid to tell the truth, and accepted a position on the select committee which investigated the events of the darkest day in America, January 6, 2021. President Biden awarded Ms. Cheney and seven others the Presidential Citizens Medal for outstanding service to their country. She received a much-deserved standing ovation. I was 35 years old in 1980 ...