
Showing posts with the label Mentally unfit

It’s Your Turn, Donny Boy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Although President Biden has resigned from the 2024 presidential campaign, the late-night comics have a new target for their “old man” jokes. Donald John Trump is a very old 78-year-old-man. He is unfit for office for a multitude of reasons, not excluding his obvious decline in physical strength and mental acuity. At 78, Trump is the oldest man in American history to be nominated for the presidency. Should an 80-year-old be trusted with the future of a nation whose average age is 38.4 years? If he wins in November, he will be 79 in June, and 80 a year later. I have watched his decline over the last nine years. His obesity makes him prone to several life-threatening illnesses, and obviously heart disease. It’s difficult to discern his mental capacity. Trump has always demonstrated that he is poorly educated and uninformed. His speech is often gibberish and childish. I can judge the orange buffoon. My 78 th birthday came just three weeks after DJT. What I do know

“He Shits his Pants Almost Every Single Day”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Although cameras were not allowed inside Trump’s “hush money” trial, you may remember stories by reporters inside the courtroom about Trump’s constant farts and his taking naps during the trial. This is no surprise about a man nearly 80 years old, but it should receive more headlines than the gaffes of President Biden. I am three weeks younger than Trump. I don’t fall asleep during the day, but incontinence is an occasional problem. My balance is virtually non-existent, and my vision could be better. However, I show none of the signs of dementia displayed by Donal Trump. A HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS, NOW FACING PHYSICAL CHALLENGES Trump had clearly suffered from malignant narcissism for all of his adult life. Once more, I offer the definition, which describes Donald Trump without a single exemption. Malignant Narcissism: “a personality type that causes extreme narcissism, aggression, and, sometimes, abuse of others. A person may use manipulative means or violence