In 2024 Polling is Stupid: The Antiquated Techniques are Inaccurate and Therefore Misleading

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I used to follow the polls on the important races religiously; primarily “Real Clear Politics.” However, after the 2016 election, when virtually every legitimate poll projected a landslide for Hillary, and you know the rest, Today, I ignore them. The more you read, the more information you possess. However, you also possess a great deal of misinformation. The key is sorting out facts from a plethora of baseless conspiracy theories. Sometimes I discard everything, and read seemingly unrelated articles featuring the statements, remarks, and questions of average Americans. I occasionally find a recurring theme. Remember, it is not the people involved in the Stock Market, the fake television journalists, or the politicians involved in campaigns who decide who wins elections; it is the average man and woman who select our president, members of the senate, members of the House, and state and local officials. THE MOOD OF THE PEOPLE Over the last eight years, the majori...