The New York Times Finally Listened to Me

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I will brag about myself when I think I deserve it. Since 2012, when I began writing professionally, I have written a few stories weeks, months, and even years before the mainstream media releases a similar story about the same subject. Yesterday, July 11, 2024, this happened again. I cannot tell you when I wrote my articles, but it was several years ago. Today the headline on the New York Times read: “Unfit to Lead.” The article lambastes Trump for many of his failures in a five-part piece authored by their editorial board. In its beginning, it labels Trump accurately as “unfit to lead,” and suggests that the American people vote for ‘anyone but Trump.’ The same statements I have made for years. The five parts will discuss how Trump fares in five categories: moral fitness, principled leadership, character, “a president’s words” and the rule of law. TRUMP RECEIVES A FAILING GRADE IN EVERY CATEGORY I can sum up in a few words how the orange buffoon fails miserabl...