Evangelicals, FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, Lies, Conspiracy Theories, Brainwashing, and Donald, “the Felon,” Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you share my love of country, have at least an average intellect, seek the truth, refuse to be lied to, and know the “real Donald Trump,” you are most certainly asking how Trump could have a single supporter in 2024. It all began with Rush Limbaugh. His blatant lies in support of right-wing extremism began brainwashing the American people when his radio broadcast became nationally syndicated in 1988. On October 7, 1996, the bastard child of Rupert Murdock and Roger Ailes began broadcasting. Using the misnomer of “FOX News,” their television broadcasts surpassed Limbaugh as the primary purveyor of lies and conspiracy theories in support of right-wing politicians. In reality, FOX is a propaganda machine. Their mission statement includes “tell the people what they want to hear,” report everything, true or false which favors the conservative position on the issues, and focus on sensationalism. Sensationalism attracts viewers, and increased viewership ...