The Old Man of the Senate Ignores the Law and Confuses His Crimes with Trump’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Moscow Mitch McConnell: three words which aptly describe the old man of the senate and where his loyalties have been over the last 39 years. He will be remembered as a self-serving failure who refused to do the right thing for the people of Kentucky and the United States of America. His only “accomplishment” of significance was taking unconstitutional action to stack the Supreme Court for the sole purpose of strengthening the agenda of right-wing extremists. In direct opposition to the intent of our Founding Fathers, the Court is now politicized by a margin of 6-3. The primary reason this destructive situation exists is the fact that the Supreme Court is above the law, and the foundation for this irrefutable fact is lifetime appointments with no recourse available to the American people. TERM LIMITS FOR ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE A MUST President Biden stated a plan to force term limits on Supreme Court justices in response to two dangerous and unconst...