Common Sense is Returning All Over the World, and Donald Trump Should be Worried
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Good news for lovers of liberty and human rights. Recent elections all over the world are reject ing fascism. The most recent happened yesterday, in France . Emmanuel Macron was reelected by 58 percent of the vote. His fascist cha llenger came in third. This should cause Trump great concern. Four years ago , the world appeared to reject democratic leaders and f avor an autocratic form of government. However, after Trump failed miserably and nearly placed our nation in a second great depression, people all over the world are taking notice. TRUMP IS NOT VERY CONVINCING AS A CON MAN Trump’s cult is in decline. There are many empty seats at his current hate rallies, although the mainstream media is not reporting this fact. Average citizens, who had been brainwashed by Fox News in support of the orange buffoon , are learning the only fact that matters: Trump is a fraud. Over the last nine years, with the assistance o...