Democrats Stop Playing Nice, and Pete Buttigieg is Leading the Way

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Pete Buttigieg has never been shy about appearing on Fox. He was on the right-wing’s propaganda tool Sunday, and he didn’t play nice; he told the truth. As the right-wing begins its baseless attacks on Kamala Harris, Democrats have found the courage to do the right thing and tell it like it is. This time he told the truth directly to Fox’ viewers. "The idea that somebody hasn't been tested or vetted when they have been vice president of the United States for nearly four years just doesn't make any sense. [Harris] is in obviously one of the most visible leadership roles in the country and she’s demonstrated both her effectiveness in that job and a vision for the country that Americans agree with. And that’s the real reason I think she’s going to win." HILLARY WAS THE MOST QUALIFIED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN HISTORY In 2016, the greatest contrast between the two presidential candidates was simple: Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate ...