Trump’s Party, Defined by Failure, Hypocrisy, and Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Are you excited? Today, July 15, 2024, is the first day of the Republican National Convention in the extremely blue state of Milwaukee, Wisc onsin. Go figure. What moron chose this city for the biggest event of an important ye ar for their party’s future? If you are not thrilled by the events of the coming week, I fail to understand why not. Your new party without a def ining name, who w as once the Party of Lincoln, known as “Republicans,” is about to nominate an old, obese, white man who is me ntally and physically unfit for any office, for the third time; a record in party history. In 2016, Trump won the nomination over 16 rivals by personally attacking each of them, while never discussing a single serious issue facing America. Thanks to assistance from Russian President Vladimir Putin , and a refusal to inform the electorate about this fact by our l eaders in Washington, Trump was given a win by the unconstitutional Electoral ...