Plutocrats Support Trump, Project 2025, and the End of Democracy
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart At this moment, there are 8 13 billionaires in the United States. All but a few support Trump, Project 2025, and the replacement of democracy with a fascist regime. These plutocrats will never have enough money or as much power as they s eek. These men and women created “Greed flation.” If you worry about surviving month to month while food pric es, the cost of heating and cooling your home, and other nec e ssities continue to rise for no logical reason , you are not alone. You are one of about 165 million Americans who cannot remember what it was like to have hope that ‘things will get better.’ My America is nothing more than a fond memory. We are living in a plutocracy. 813 billionaires control half of our leaders in Wa shington. However, a plutocracy cannot exist for long in a democracy. Therefore, these 813 individuals are working to end our democratic government and replace it with a fascist regime. Their ultimate goal is to pay zero dollar...