If Our Government Cannot End the Stupidity of Daylight Savings Time, Can it do Anything Right?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This will be a short article because it’s about common sense, something missing in Washington. I have heard a few politicians attempt to explain why the United States continues the archaic and senseless policy of altering time every six months. It’s called “daylight savings time.” They failed. This process began a long time ago, on March 31, 1918. It is commonly believed that the reason for DST was to give more daylight hours to farmers during the growing and harvest seasons. However, farmers were opposed to the bill. It appears that congress was supporting the tourism and recreation-based industries. In 1970, DST was extended and became permanent. A probable energy crisis encouraged congress to consider the measure, and it was agreed to by both parties. However, in case congress hasn’t noticed, this is 2024, and one of the situations of the past exist today. The energy industry has new and viable sources of creating electrical power: green energy. There are no ...