Times When Trump Suggested his Rivals be Maimed or Murdered

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart As the title of a story in the Daily Kos suggests: “He Wanted Violence, He Got It.” It’s nothing new for Trump and other right-wing extremists who support a fascist regime for America to suggest violence and even murder as fair punishment for their rivals. "Even in elementary school, I was a very assertive, aggressive kid. In the second grade I actually gave a teacher a black eye. I punched my music teacher because I didn't think he knew anything about music.” Donald Trump, Art of the Deal, 1987. Now I understand why he was sent to a military boarding school at the age of thirteen. “For many years I’ve said that if someone screws you, screw them back. When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can.” Donald Trump, How to Get Rich, 2004 . “I would bring back waterboarding. And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” Donald Trump, 6 February 2016 October 2019 — Trump asks if migrants...