America’s Federal Courts are Broken and Trump and his Party are to Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are paying attention to the most serious and destructive situation in America you are aware that the federal court system has been corrupted from the Supreme Court to every lower court in every state. Every Republican president since Reagan intentionally appointed or nominated judges who lean to the far right. Because of this irrefutable fact, justice in America is not blind, nor is it without bias. The greatest disaster and affront to the intentions of our Founding Fathers is the Supreme Court of the United States. When our Founding Fathers created the Judicial Branch of our check and balance system, they devised what they believed was a plan which would prevent the Court from becoming politicized. This has become the greatest mistake in the entire Constitutional Convention. PROOF THAT TERM LIMITS ARE NECESSARY FOR ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS AND THE COURT Justices were given lifetime appointments which prevented the need to win elections which are always divi...