A Speech for Now and a Positive Direction for Our Nation’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am the same age as the man who calls his supporters, “basement dwellers:” 78 years old. I, too, am too old to lead my beloved country. However, my interest in politics began in 1956 and I continue to follow everything happening in Washington today. I have heard more than my share of political speeches. Last night I was privileged to hear one of the greatest of all time. Not since Barack Obama in 2008 have I heard anyone touch every man and woman in our country with words intended to motivate and inspire them. Once again, the word is “hope.” Like everyone else, I was anxious to hear Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech, and I was not disappointed. She began with praise for her late mother. She credited her for the lessons which made her the strong woman she is today. No one, old, young, Black, white, Christian, Muslim, rich or poor was left out of her speech. Towards the end she promised to bring Israelis and Palestinians together. If she can, she will ...