Republicans Playing Politics Instead of Doing the Right Thing

Republicans don’t know or don’t care that the citizens of the richest and most populous state in the Union, California, are Americans. In fact they are true Americans while Republicans offer their fealty to Trump and his puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. I grew up in Los Angeles. I will always be grateful to have lived in the greatest city, the greatest state, until I was in my early 40’s. No other state offers such a variety of lifestyles. No other state offers the opportunities available in California. I lived in Los Angeles when many terrible fires occurred in Malibu, Laurel Canyon, and other wooded areas when the Santa Ana winds blew in from the east. However, I could never imagine the tragedies which are devasting such beautiful areas of Southern California today. As of today, Monday, January 13, 2025, more than 12,300 structures have burned and 24 lives have been lost. And the winds will be worse today according to Los Angeles weathermen. H...