Is Kamala Harris Ready?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Who else? For some unknown reason, several political writers and some Democrats are unsure about the likely nomination of Kamala Harris now that President Biden has ended his campaign. I feel this way. Ms. Harris is more than qualified and has been prepared to replace the President for three-and-one-half years. That’s the way the system is meant to work. Kamala Harris is the choice. With just over three months until election day, no other Democrat is prepared to replace Mr. Biden other than the Vice-President. THE POSITIVE SIDE There are some very positive points in favor of Ms. Harris. She can run on the accomplishments of the Biden Administration. She has been part of everything since January 20, 2021. The President’s achievements are her achievements. Her age is of great importance. She will be 60 about a week before the election. All the jokes have been about Mr. Biden’s age. They are gone. I believe America is ready for a woman president. It seems like ever...