
Showing posts with the label Collusion

Trump Knows How to do Two Things: Lie, and Commit Bribery

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s first impeachment was a violation of the Constitution. He attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine with financial aid, if he would “dig up dirt” on Hunter and Joe Biden. Members of New York’s real estate community had reason to believe that Trump frequently bribed building inspectors, etc., to expedite repairs, and other necessities to make a sale or purchase. “Big Adolf” is at it again. Recently, in a meeting with 20 oil company executives at Mar-a-Lago, he proposed “a deal” with our nation’s leading oil companies. If they would give him one-billion dollars for his reelection campaign, if he wins in November, he would in turn increase oil drilling and reverse pollution rules among other pitches. Does this sound like a violation of campaign finance laws? Maybe I’m just thinking of a violation of morals, integrity, and a display of a person with no self-respect. And this revolting criminal wants to be your president. THE SLIMIEST MAN IN THE WORLD We al

Will You Allow Putin and Trump to Steal the Presidency Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “For reasons of national security,” is bullshit. In October of 2016, leaders of America’s security services informed the leaders of our government that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our election, attempting to secure the presidency for Donald Trump. However, our corrupt leaders refused to inform the American people about this fact. After the election, in which Trump was gifted the Electoral College vote, our leaders in Washington claimed that Putin’s efforts had no effect on the outcome. This was another huge lie. An abundance of evidence since that day proved that the election was rigged. This huge failure by our government is why our nation failed to move forward into the 21 st century. Trump and his fake Republican Party moved our country backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. One by one our basic rights, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, began to disappear. These efforts by Trump and his fascist party continued after Trump was evicte

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for Putin

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Our government is good at one and only one thing: they can always be relied upon to hide the truth from the American people.     Let’s go back to 2016, less than one month before the election, and then to April 18, 2019.   A Secret Meeting in the Oval Offices Kept Secret   In October of 2016, with less than one m onth until the general election, the heads of our nation’s security agencies asked f or a meeting with the President, Vice President Biden, Moscow Mitch M cConnell, Speaker Paul Ryan, Chuck Schu me r, and Nancy Pelosi. The subject: Russian interference in our election.   It was confirmed that Russian agents, under orders from President Vladimir Putin, w ere  indeed making hu ge efforts to secure a victory for Donald Trump. However, our government’s leaders decided that the American people, the voting public , had no right to know the truth.   Af t er the election, the big lie: our government   claimed that Putin had no effect on the outcome o